Unpacking The Studio: New Cook With Real Food Season

It feels surreal…

I’m in the new Kitchen (studio), and boxes are stacked up around us, half packed, half unpacked…almost there, but not yet.

As a visionary, your path will often feel like this: Some ideas or projects are half unpacked, and others you haven’t even started to unpack yet. You’ll live in the feeling of being in between like you’re almost to your goal, but not…yet.

As I write to you, I hear the train off in the distance, the kettle on the stove whistle as my husband makes coffee, and the light hum of the heater as small snowflakes start to drift down outside…the silence in between has brought a moment of deep thankfulness and reflection.

At this point, my cooking content has been a passion project in the making for 2+ years, which is crazy enough, but in other ways, it feels like something I’ve been working on for my whole life…

Have you ever felt like this?

This is one way you can spot a moment of destiny. When you’re on the right path and in the center of God's will for your life, it’s like you arrive at moments you saw in your heart long ago.

I believe God will speak to you from your future, drawing you into something greater than where you are today. Flashes of visions, sounds from a time in the future, or a sense of longing for how life is going to be one day will ignite a fire in you to take action.

Your path may be hard at times, and you’ll feel like giving up, but if you keep going…you will reap a harvest. When you arrive at those moments you’ve seen in your heart, it won’t feel like déjà vu…it will feel like you’ve always been there; there is something eternal feeling that could only be Him.

I pray you experience this type of peace one day. There is no safer feeling than knowing you’re in the center of His will for your life.

The new Cook With Real Food studio is beautiful, and I can’t wait to show it to you. Bringing the videos together in the new space is one of the last phases in my master plan…

If you’re new around here, you may not know that this has been a two-part project, hence the 2+ years it’s taken to get here.

One part (as you know) is all about real food cooking and sharing my favorite recipes. Part two is all about how to build a business with content online.

In the daytime, I help entrepreneurs create content and coach them on how to get their message or (broadcast) to the world. It’s fun, crazy, rewarding, challenging, and my power spot.

It’s been a lot of work documenting my steps and expertise in business, but in other ways, it’s been quite simple. Building a content-driven business and cooking are surprisingly similar in ways. If you know what “ingredients” go together, you can make an awesome “experience” all can enjoy and benefit from.

I truly believe ANYONE can cook, and anyone can build a business online. That’s why I want to show you how to do both. :)

The full business journey to this point will soon be an online course. Building the website, selecting the right audience, creating a profitable digital product, and setting up all the social media—yep, it’s all in there! It's literally the one course you’ll need to launch anything.

Next is the cooking content. :) Recipes, Full Episodes, More Books, Expert Interviews, Pro Animal Food Facts, Product Reviews and sooooo much more.

Coming soon…

Thank you for being here, I can’t wait to cook for you and share more of the journey along the way.


Homemade Indian Chicken and Garden Vegetable Soup


Easy Week Night Beef And Rice