Simple Seed Oil-Free Bread

I have tried many bread recipes in search of the perfect seed-oil-free option I could make at home; this is the one I come back to over and over again! A little buttered bread is a classic pair for your favorite meat dish.


  • 3.25 cups all-purpose flour + more for dusting

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1.5 cups warm water

  • 2 tsp active dry yeast

You can double all these ingredients for bigger crowds and holidays!


1 - In a large mixing bowl or your mixer add the flour, salt and yeast. Use hands, a spatula or the paddle attachment and mix to combine well.

2 - Pour in the warm water and keep mixing until everything is incorporated and a soft dough has formed.

3 - Cover the bowl with a tea towel and set aside allowing the dough to rise at room temperature for 2 to 3 hours until doubled in size.

4 - Sprinkle some flour on your kitchen counter and dump the bread dough on it. Flour your hands to help it out of the bowl so it doesn’t stick to your hands.

5 - With floured hands fold the dough onto itself forming it into a round ball. (No need to knead it)

6 - Use a sharp knife and lightly carve an X in the top of the loaf or just make a few cuts across life normal bread.

7 - Place the bread dough on top of a lightly floured pizza stone or parchment paper-covered baking tray and allow it to rest while your oven is heating up.

8 - Preheat your oven to 450 with a pizza stone inside for tray inside for about 30-60 minutes before baking the bread.

9 - Once your oven is hot bake the bread for about 30 to 45 minutes until golden brown all over and cooked through.

10 - When done, transfer the bread to a cooling rack or cutting board and allow to cool before slicing into it.

Dutch Oven Version:

Once oven is hot, carefully place the dough inside the dutch oven ideally using parchment paper for easy transfer. Cover with the lid and bake for 30 minutes. Remove lid and bake another 5 minutes until golden brown on top. When done, transfer the bread to a cooling rack or cutting board and allow to cool before slicing into it.

Seed Oil Free Store Bought Option:

Don’t Have Enough Time To Bake? No Problem!

Try the Essential Baking Company! Most of their take-and-options are seed oil free and are available in most stores. If you don’t see this brand on the shelves, look for a “sour dough” take and bake option — there is a good chance it could be more simple ingredients without seed oils!


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