Seed Oil-Free Living: Tips For Navigating Restaurants and Grocery Stores

Welcome to Cook with Real Food. In this blog post, we're diving into how you can live a seed oil-free life by making healthier choices at restaurants and in the grocery store. Let's explore some practical tips, tricks, and apps to help you avoid seed oils in your everyday life! (If you would rather LISTEN, hit the play button above!)

Dining Out: Navigating Restaurants

Eating out can be a challenge when trying to avoid seed oils, but there are some easy strategies you can use:

  1. Avoid Chains: Chain restaurants are notorious for cooking with seed oils since they're cheap and readily available. Look for local spots or specialized eateries that prioritize healthier oils.

  2. Check the Branding: Some restaurants proudly advertise that they use "premium oil," which can indicate they use avocado or another quality oil. Always double-check, though, as some oils may still be cut with seed oils.

  3. Ask Your Waiter: At nicer restaurants, don't hesitate to ask how your food is prepared. You can inquire if the steak or chicken is cooked with butter or olive oil. Most legitimate restaurants will accommodate substitutions, or offer them at a small fee.

Grocery Store Navigation

Navigating the grocery store aisles can also be tricky, as seed oils are pervasive in processed foods. Here are some tips to make it easier:

  1. Apps to Help: The Seedy app provides pre-approved seed oil-free products, making your shopping trips smoother. No more scrutinizing each label or scrolling through endless items on Instacart.

  2. Avoid Processed Foods: Seed oils are often found in snacks, sauces, and ready-made meals. Stick to fresh ingredients and whole foods to minimize seed oil intake.

  3. Brands to Trust: In an upcoming episode, I'll share my favorite seed oil-free brands. Keep these options in mind for your pantry staples to make your seed oil-free lifestyle easier.

Digital Tools for Healthier Eating

Two key apps can make seed oil-free living easier:

  1. Seed Oil Scout: This app offers a map of restaurants near you that avoid seed oils. It's a great tool for finding healthier dining options locally and while traveling. The app's user base has grown, making it easier to find suitable restaurants nearby. Seed Oil Scout: A Guide to Seed Oil-Free Restaurants:

  2. Seedy: This app helps you navigate the grocery store, providing seed oil-free options. It simplifies shopping by listing pre-approved items. Seedy: An App for Seed Oil-Free Grocery Items:

The Community of Seed Oil-Free Living

Lastly, there's an awesome online community of people dedicated to seed oil-free living:

  1. Seed Oil Disrespector: This Twitter account, created by the makers of the Seedy app, offers valuable information, humor, and memes. It's a lighthearted way to stay engaged in the seed oil-free journey.

FREE Gifts For You: Get my list of seed-oil-free brands and product recommendations FREE


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