Plantain Hash Browns | Seed Oil Free Breakfast


Whether you ate them growing up with your favorite fast food breakfast or loaded with chili and onions at your favorite greasy spoon, hashbrowns are a loved southern favorite!

Plantains are a fruit that gets sweeter as they ripen, and the peel turns black like a banana. However, if you use them while they are still yellow, they have a starchy texture and can play the role of a potato in your favorite recipes!

Enjoy these next time you make breakfast or a fast launch!


Plantains (One Plantain makes two hash browns)

  • Butter or oil of choice (Plaintians tend to soak up whatever flavor you cook them in, so I love using salted butter or beef tallow to achieve the traditional savory hashbrown taste. If you use something neutral tasting, the fruit taste may come through too strong)

  • Salt and pepper


1 - Cut the plantain(s) in half

2 - Shred each half with a cheese grater and form into a hashbrown shape (I have also cubed them, and that works too if you like chunky hashbrowns)

3 - Heat butter or oil of choice in a pan over medium-high heat

4 - Add plantain hashbrowns into the pan and cook for roughly 3 minutes a side, depending on the desired texture (Go longer for crunchier)

5 - Season with salt and pepper and enjoy!

Optional Serving Ideas:

Serve with your favorite morning eggs and meat combo!

  • Cover with cheese and beef Chili


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